Custom Fitted Hearing Protection and Hearing Conservation Services

On-site Workplace Hearing Testing


Did you know that one in six Australians suffer from some degree of hearing loss?

By 2050, this is expected to increase to one in four.

Over exposure not only contributes to work place accidents and fatigue, hearing loss costs $11.75 billion annually in lost productivity.

Click here to download a noise assessment checklist to see if there is a problem with noise at your workplace.


We provide essential services for the prevention of noise damage to workers’ hearing in accordance with AS1269.4:2014 standards for audiometric testing.
Testing is conducted by our accredited Audiometrist that has been working in the hearing conservation industry since 1999.


Our Hearing Conservation Services Include:








For all other locations Australia wide please contact our main office (Sydney).

 (03) 9084 7477

 (02) 9157 2491



It is the employer’s responsibility to take steps to protect workers’ hearing as well as meet legal OH&S and WHS obligations.
It is the employee’s responsibility to comply with the safety rules including the proper use and maintenance of their hearing protection.

Contact us to discuss how we can help you meet your responsibilities.





Noise damages hearing – this damage if often irreversible 

As well as hearing loss, excessive noise causes tinnitus

There is no cure for noise induced tinnitus


Damage to hearing can occur from prolonged and sudden exposure to loud noises.
Studies show noise exposure can have a range of long term negative health consequences; such as non-auditory damage in the cardio-vascular, endocrine, metabolic, gastro-intestinal and neurological systems.
Performance in reading, writing and listening tasks are also affected by noise, as concentration is impaired.
It is harder to communicate and receive information in loud environments.
Productivity in workplaces can be affected if there is excessive noise, especially if employees suffer from noise induced hearing loss – creating an unsafe work environment.
Some industries inherently put employees at greater risk of overexposure.
It is the employers responsibility to minimise this risk where possible.





  1. Quieter working environment- machines, equipment, work activities 
  2. Isolate worker’s from the noise source where possible
  3. Hearing protection if 1 & 2 is not achievable Custom Moulded Hearing Protection



  1. Training of employers and workers to ensure everyone is aware of their role in harm prevention related to hazardous noise.
  2. Understanding machine operator and ambient noise levels around the workplace by way of noise exposure measurements – a Noise Assessment.
    A Noise Assessment is required at least every 5 years or whenever new machinery is introduced to an area that may alter noise exposure. 
  3. Employees who are exposed to noise levels of 85dB or above during an 8 hour shift are required to wear hearing protection.
    Depending on exposure times and levels, there is a relevant level of hearing protection required – graded by a class system.
  4. Biannual Audiometric hearing screening’s (in cases where hearing protection is required) are mandatory to monitor workers hearing.
  5. A follow up diagnostic Audiological examinations may be required for any worker that fail’s* the audiometric screening.
    This follow up examination is performed by an Audiologist and is to investigate the cause of the shift in hearing, evaluating adequacy of hearing protection and aims to prevent any further hearing loss (where attributed to work processes).

*an employee who displays a hearing threshold shift in either ear, that deteriorates by 15dB or more in any one of the following frequencies – 3 KHz, 4KHz & 6KHz.


Workers that require hearing protection during their shift required to undergo a Baseline hearing test within 3 months of commencing their role. 
A re-test is required at least every 2 years to monitor their hearing thresholds.

NoiseGuard conducts the Audiometric Screenings (hearing tests) onsite at your workplace to minimise work schedule disruptions.
Each test takes between 5-7 minutes. This includes additional time allowed for enhanced hygiene protocols between clients. 
Testing is conducted by our experienced and personable accredited Audiometrist, inside our air conditioned, sound proof booth.
This booth is positioned inside our quiet (sound treated) compliant mobile testing van.
A brief client background is recorded before the test is performed across the 8 octave bands using our calibrated testing equipment in accordance with AS1269.4:2014 standards.

Once the testing day has been completed, your company will receive 2 copies of each individual employee result’s (detailing if any significant shift has been recorded since previous test where applicable)  along with the company report detailing each employees results and relevant regulations report.
The employees are to be provided with a copy of their results as soon as practicably possible. Each report contains our contact details for if any client seeks further clarification of results recorded.
NoiseGuard will send you a re-test reminder within 2 years to ensure we re-test you in time to remain compliant. 



How long can a person endure a certain noise level before hearing impairment occurs?

 Sound Pressure Level   Permissible Exposure Time
115 dB 0.46875 minutes (~30 sec)
112 dB 0.9375 minutes (~1 min)
109 dB 1.875 minutes (< 2 min)
106 dB 3.75 minutes (< 4 min)
103 dB 7.5 minutes
100 dB 15 minutes
  97 dB 30 minutes
  94 dB 1 hour
  91 dB 2 hours
  88 dB 4 hours
  85 dB 8 hours
  82 dB 12 hours


Noise Exposure Standard in Victoria and NSW: 85dBA noise level for 8 hours and peak noise level 140dBC. For every 3dB above this, the duration of exposure is halved, eg.
If the noise level is 88dBA, the maximum duration a worker may work is 4 hours. The appropriate attenuation rating of a hearing protector will result in keeping the exposure below the standard.

You can manage and prevent hearing loss at your workplace by utilising our below hearing conservation services-

  • Free onsite quotation to scope requirements. This ensures we capture all areas that must be tested to meet requirements but do not overquote. 
  • On-site industrial Noise survey’s – including personal noise exposure dosimetry (dosebadge, exposure calculations) reporting
  • Biannual onsite audiometric hearing testing/screening. We come to you in our clean, air conditioned, soundproofed van, preventing disruptions to productivity. 
  • Onsite ear impression service for custom moulded hearing protection. 
  • On site employer/employee noise conservation and noise exposure training

NoiseGuard was previously a part of Hearlink – NoiseGuard has continued all industrial audiometry services.

With over 3 decades of experience in the industry and a sound audiological background, our testers are trained and professional.

NoiseGuard offers a full range of hearing protection, designed for all industries, soft medical grade hypo-allergenic silicone products (industry/recreation/shooting/sleep/swim).
As well as Full On Site Hearing Screening Service (in accordance with Noise Regulations, 2017 – AS1269.4:2014 standards for audiometric testing), On Site Noise Survey Evaluations and sound mapping reporting using Class 1, Sound Analyser & Bruel & Kjaer Dosimeters (personal exposure calculation).

For all other locations Australia wide please contact our main office (Sydney).

Contact Us  For all industrial on site hearing services quotes.

For all Melbourne quotes and/or appointments please call us on (03) 9084 7477

For all Sydney quotes and/or appointments please call (02) 9157 2491

or email us at: